Troop 1396

Lake Ridge, Virginia

Scouter & Committee Positions

The Scoutmaster is selected and recruited by the Troop Committee and approved by the Lease Organization Representative. The Scoutmaster must be at least 21 years of historic period. Serves at the satisfaction of the Troop Commission and the Charter System Representative. Reports to: Troop Commission Chair. Duties:

Train and guide the Troop'southward youth leaders.

  • Work with other responsible adults to bring Scouting to the boys.

  • Use the Methods of Scouting to achieve the aims of Scouting.

  • Meet regularly with the Patrol Leaders Quango (PLC) for training and coordination in planning Troop activities.

  • Attend all Troop meetings, or if necessary conform for a qualified developed substitute.

  • Attend Troop Commission meetings.

  • Attend all campouts or arrange for a qualified adult substitute.

  • Attend monthly commune Roundtable or accommodate for a qualified adult substitute.

  • Nourish Eagle boards of review and introduce the Troop's Hawkeye candidates or arrange for a qualified adult substitute.

  • Conduct Scoutmaster conferences for all rank advancements or delegate a qualified Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM).

  • Delegate responsibilities to other adults (assistants and troop committee).

  • Coordinate annual elections for Troop youth leaders with the PLC.

  • Coordinate at a minimum one annual (two preferred) Troop Leader Training program with the PLC.

  • Coordinate an Annual Planning Conference with the PLC to plan the next yr'south Troop activities. Nowadays this plan to Troop Committee for approval.

  • Make it possible for each Scout to feel at to the lowest degree 10 days and nights of camping each year.

  • Build a strong program by using proven methods presented in Scouting literature.

  • Be fully trained equally an SM. Nourish Scoutmaster Specific Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS); (Forest Badge training is highly recommended).

  • Conduct activities with qualified leadership, condom conditions, & under policies of the Charter Arrangement and BSA.

  • Maintain a close relationship with the Chartering Arrangement Representative & the Troop Committee Chairperson.

Banana Scoutmasters – Patrol ASMs & Patrol Mentors

Assistant Scoutmasters are selected by the Scoutmaster with the assistance of the Troop Committee. They serve at the satisfaction of the Scoutmaster and the Troop Committee. They may be 18 years one-time, but at to the lowest degree one must exist 21 or older. Reports to: Scoutmaster. Duties:

  • Help the Scoutmaster with his/her responsibilities, including availability in various capacities as his substitute.

  • Attend Troop meetings and outings.

  • Be fully trained as an ASM. Nourish ASM Leader Specific Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (IOLS); (Wood Badge grooming is highly recommended).

  • Fill in for Scoutmaster when required.

  • In addition to the above duties, several ASMs take additional responsibilities in specific areas:

    • ASM – Primary Assistant Scoutmasters for Troop 1396

    • ASM – Patrol Mentor - Deed every bit a mentor to Patrol Leader (PL parent) and serve as a resource to the patrol.

    • ASM - New Boys (new male child parent if possible) - piece of work with new Scouts to help them brand a smooth transition into the Troop and advance to Starting time Grade in a reasonable time. This involves working with the PLC and the ASPL for New Scouts. Also works closely with Troop Teacher, Troop Guides, and Advancement Coordinator to facilitate scout advancements.

    • ASM - High Chance / Venturing Scouts – Venturing Counselor. Acts equally a mentor to the Venture Patrol (older Scouts) to promote and execute periodic High Adventure outings.

    • ASM/Comm – Order of the Arrow - Encourage membership in the Order of the Pointer (OA) and coordinate annual OA elections. Must be an OA member.

Assistant Scout Principal - Life to Eagle Coordinator (Comm) Life to Eagle Advisor

Acts as a resource for Life Scouts preparing to work on the Eagle rank. This could exist an ASM or a Committee position. Reports to: Committee Chair and Scoutmaster. Duties:

  • Guide Scouts attaining Life rank to the "Life to Eagle" preparation.

  • Advise Life Scouts on the general process of attaining the Eagle rank.

  • Propose Life Scouts on Eagle service projects and provide guidance on paperwork training.

  • Aid families of prospective Eagle Scouts with Hawkeye Court-of-Honor planning.

  • Coordinate with Advancement Coordinator requests for Eagle letters of congratulations from dignitaries.

  • Should be an Hawkeye Spotter, or the parent of an Eagle Scout.

Chartering Organization Representative (COR)

The Lease Organization Representative (COR) is the head of the Lease Arrangement'southward "Scouting Section". The COR is appointed by, serves at the satisfaction of and reports to the Chief Executive of the Lease Organisation.

  • Member of the Chartering Organization; serves as a liaison between the Troop and the Charter Organization.

  • Secures a Troop Commission Chair and encourages training; helps recruit other adult leaders.

  • Maintain a close liaison with the Commission Chair and the Scoutmaster.

  • Become trained for the position, including Troop Committee Training.

  • Assists with unit re-chartering.

  • Encourages service to the organization.

  • Ensure troop representation at monthly commune Roundtable.

  • Is an agile and involved fellow member of the Commune Committee.

  • Provides a meeting place for troop meetings and storage of troop equipment.

  • Approves all adult leader applications.

The committee is the Troop'south Board of Directors. These positions are all important to the smooth operation of the Troop. Commission Chair may designate Troop adults to more than than one adult position, depending on Troop requirements; while these positions are identified with the Committee, ASMs may also fill these positions. All Committee Members who are not ASMs are appointed by the CC and study to the CC and Troop Committee.

All registered adults are members of the Troop Commission. The Scoutmaster and Banana Scoutmasters are not-voting members. All other registered adults have a unmarried vote. All adult leaders must be approved by the Committee Chair and the Charter Arrangement Representative after a reference check. Duties:

  • Read their respective son's Scout Handbook.

  • Understand the Aims and Methods of scouting.

  • Must take current Youth Protection Training; Take Fast Start, This is Scouting & Leader Specific Training.

  • Show support to individual Scouts & the troop by attending Courts of Accolade & as many troop meetings equally possible.

  • Nourish every bit many Committee Meetings every bit possible. Report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

  • Support troop service projects, and activities.

  • Participate on the Board of Reviews as requested by the Advancement Coordinator.

  • Help the other area Coordinators when requested.

The Troop Committee Chair is selected by the Charter Organisation Representative to organize the Troop Commission. Serves at the satisfaction of the COR and Troop Committee. Reports to: Lease Organisation Representative. Duties:

  • Organize the Troop Committee to run across that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.

  • Maintain a close human relationship with the Chartered System Representative and the Scoutmaster

  • Interpret national and local policies to the troop.

  • Ensure the troop adheres to the policies of the Chartered Organization and the Boy Scouts of America.

  • Prepare troop commission meeting agendas.

  • Call, preside over, & promote attendance at monthly committee meetings & any special meetings that may exist called.

  • Ensure troop representation at monthly district Roundtable.

  • Recruit top-notch, individuals for adult leadership.

  • Encourage adult leaders to get trained.

  • Arrange for charter review, re-charter annually, and programme lease presentation.

The Secretary is responsible for keeping minutes of troop commission meetings and treatment troop correspondence. Duties:

  • Attend all troop commission meetings; record the minutes, with special emphasis on decisions made, actions taken, and policy made.

  • Transcribe and distribute copies of the minutes to all registered developed leaders as presently equally possible following the committee meeting to ensure members have fourth dimension to follow up on activeness items.

  • Provide an electronic re-create of meeting minutes to the troop webmaster for posting on the troop website.

  • Ship out committee meeting notices.

  • Works with publicity coordinator

  • At each meeting, report the minutes of the previous meeting.

  • Handle troop correspondence as needed.

Maintains all troop finances, collects ante and fees and pays troop bills. Duties:

  • Handles all troop funds. Attends most troop meetings to coordinate with Scout Scribe.

  • Pay all bills on the recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee.

  • Maintain checking and saving accounts.

  • Keep appropriate records related to troop funds. Railroad train and supervise Troop Scribe in his record-keeping.

  • Atomic number 82 in the grooming of the almanac Troop budget.

  • Piece of work with Re-charter Coordinator to collect and record annual fees.

  • Work with Membership Coordinator to procedure the registration of new Scouts and developed leaders.

  • Work with Outdoor/Activity Coordinator to make necessary payments for camping/activity reservations.

  • Collect Summer Camp payments and remit funds to the council office for campsite reservations/payments.

  • Report to the troop committee at each commission meeting.

  • Audited annually by ii adults, one ASM, and i Commission member, designated by CC and SM.

  • Work with District and lead the Friends of Scouting entrada in Troop 1396.

Re-lease and Membership Coordinator

Coordinates the annual re-charter for the troop. Duties:

  • Attends district re-charter training/orientation coming together.

  • Coordinates with Committee Chair and Scoutmaster to set re-lease plough-in dates.

  • Notifies parents about re-charter dates.

  • Works with Database Coordinator to distribute re-charter paperwork and updated forms.

  • Works with Treasurer to collect and tape re-charter fees.

  • Works with Database Coordinator to update troop records and ready Troopmaster data submission to council office by plough-in appointment.

  • Obtain necessary signatures on re-lease forms from SM, COR, and Institutional Head (IH) in a timely manner.

Webmaster & Data Base Coordinator

Maintains Troop 1396 Website. Duties:

  • Coordinates with Scoutmaster and Committee Chairman regarding website content.

  • Coordinates postings and admission to the site.

  • Updates website and posts updated interesting and timely information and schedules.

  • Trains and works with the Troop Historian to maintain periodic updates to the Troop Weblog.

  • Maintains Troop 1396 TroopMaster database as principal administrator. Duties:

  • Works with Committee and selected members to ensure TroopMaster is properly updated and maintained.

  • Maintains the Troop 1396 membership mailing list from the baseline data in TroopMaster.

Outdoor & Activities Coordinator & Grubmaster

Secures reservations for troop activities/campouts, coordinates transportation, processes Tour Permits and necessary paperwork required to behave the outdoor program. Duties:

  • After the PLC's annual calendar has been approved by the Scoutmaster and Troop Committee, work closely with Scoutmaster to make the necessary reservations to accommodate the planned activities.

  • Secure permission and reservations to utilise camping ground sites.

  • Coordinates with Treasurer to ensure camping fees are paid.

  • Serve as a transportation coordinator.

  • Collect Permission Slips for troop activities.

  • Promote attendance at troop campouts, district/quango activities (camporees, expos, etc.), and summer army camp to accomplish the goal of one outing per month.

  • Submits or coordinates attendee list turn-in to the Advancement Chair.

  • Promote the National Camping Award.

  • Report to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

  • Assists Patrol Grubmasters and Scouts working on Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, and 1st Class cooking requirements.

  • Reviews repast planning sheets for Scouts completing 1st Course Cooking.

  • Works with SM / ASM (Campmaster) and designated Scouts to ensure that food for camping/issue is available in proper quantities IAW the repast planning sheets. (With coordination, Lookout man/parent can do the actual shopping.)

  • Recommends changes to Patrol Chuckboxes, if required.

Training Coordinator – Scouters / Adults

Coordinates all Troop Training for adults and as required to aid the ASMs for Scouts. Duties:

  • Ensures Troop adult leaders and committee members have opportunities for preparation.

  • Maintains an inventory of up-to-date grooming textile, videotapes, and other grooming resources.

  • Maintains a tape of adult training for purposes of recertification and fulfilling BSA requirements.

  • Works with the District training team in scheduling Sentinel Adult Leadership Grooming (Common salt) for new adult leaders.

  • Responsible for BSA Youth Protection training inside the Troop.

  • Encourages Troop Leadership Preparation within the Troop and at the council and national levels.

  • Reports to the Troop Committee at each meeting.

Quartermaster & Equipment Coordinator

Responsible for procurement and maintenance of troop equipment. Duties:

  • Supervise and help the troop procure, repair, and replace camping equipment.

  • Work with Troop Quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance of all troop equipment.

  • Make periodic condom checks on all troop camping ground gear, and encourage the troop in the safe employ of all outdoor equipment.

  • Piece of work closely with Scoutmaster, SPL, and Quartermaster to ensure the proper equipment is available for each outing.

  • Report to the Troop Committee every bit necessary.

Promote the pursuit of the 12th betoken of the lookout man police force "A scout is reverent". Duties:

  • Provides a spiritual tone for troop meetings and activities.

  • Requite guidance to the Chaplain Aide.

  • Promote regular participation of each member in the activities of the religious organization of his option.

  • Coordinates visits to homes of Scouts in time of sickness or need.

  • Give spiritual counseling service when needed or requested.

  • Promote the pursuit of religious awards by all Scouts.

  • Coordinates with Chaplain Aide apropos religious observations during Scout activities

Medical Documentation Coordinator and Troopmaster Documentation Coordinator

Assists various adults in maintaining the Troopmaster database of troop member addresses, telephone numbers, e-mails, training, medical forms, vehicle lists, and related documents. Duties:

  • Collects evaluates and updates Sentry and developed medical data; maintains TM roster of currency of medical evals.

  • Updates Troop Rosters (Phone and email) when changes are made or new members are added.

  • Maintain record and database of Troop Resource Survey and Vehicle information.

  • Provide data required to complete Bout Permits to Tour Permit Coordinator every bit needed.

  • At the time of re-charter, works with the re-charter squad to verify all data and make updates as necessary and assist in re-charter past preparing Troopmaster records for submittal to the council office.

  • Coordinate maintenance of Troopmaster database with Advancement Coordinator.

  • Coordinate with other adult leaders to provide data equally needed to reach their duties.

Troop's "duty skillful" on adult recognition awards. Duties:

  • Ensures adults receive eligible Adult Advancement Awards (Knots).

  • Maintains a Troop 1396 "Appreciation" accolade plan for departing adults.

  • Synch with District Awards Program to ensure Troop adults are accordingly recognized.

  • Ensure the almanac selection of qualified adults for the Baden Powell recognition.

Prepares Troop-related news manufactures and submits to local newspapers, Boys Life and Scouter Magazines, and NCAC newspapers. Duties:

  • Maintains news POC listing.

  • Solicit news articles from troop members.

  • Coordinates publicity for events and keeps Troop activities positively reflected in the public domain.

The Advancement Coordinator maintains troop advocacy records and promotes rank advocacy. Duties:

  • Encourages Scouts to advance in rank.

  • Conform troop boards of review and courts of accolade.

  • Train Committee Members to acquit troop lath of reviews for Tenderfoot to Life ranks.

  • Have a working cognition of the Boy Scout advancement program.

  • Make a prompt study on the correct form to the council service center when a troop board of review is held. Secure badges and certificates equally required.

  • Work closely with SM and the New Boy ASM to keep them informed on the advancement needs of Scouts.

  • Work with Troop Librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets and other literature.

  • Work closely with Eagle Advisor to request congratulatory letters for Eagle courts of honor.

  • Keep records of troop advancement and attendance at troop activities in the Troopmaster plan.

Net Advancement (IA)

This is a new position based on the National Capital Area Quango (NCAC) requirements to update information formerly held at the Troop level in a higher-level database. Duties include:

  • Periodically update IA by uploading TroopMaster (TM) data to the IA database.

  • Synchronize this action with the Advancement Coordinator and SM to ensure anybody is in sync with the activeness.

Works with the Cyber Chip Trainer to ensure Scouts complete the necessary requirements to earn Lookout and Star advancement. Duties:

    • Have preparation as required.

    • Stay informed nigh updates or changes to the program.

    • Work closely with the Cyber Chip Trainer to ensure Scouts understand and complete necessary preparation and activities.

    • Be responsible for and coordinate an almanac Troop effort to renew and recommit Scouts to net safety and etiquette.

    • Keep records of Lookout man participation.

    • Work with the Advancement Coordinator to update advocacy records.

    • Whenever a Cyber Chip Coordinator is involved in grooming their ain son or daughter for a Cyber Chip, the Scoutmaster must approve such an arrangement, and other Scouts must also be included in the training sessions.

Webelos Outreach and New Member Liaison and Membership Coordinator

Critical position to ensure a steady influx or new Scouts from Cub Scouts / Webelos, and from boys newly arriving in our area. Duties:

  • Responsible for Webelos-to-Picket transition, including Webelos crossover coordination.

  • Coordinates Troop representation at District transition night

  • Coordinates Troop visits by Webelos Scouts, their Den Leaders, and their parents & welcomes them to Troop 1396.

  • Encourages Scouts to invite their friends and not-scouts to join Troop 1396.

  • Discusses Troop operation with prospective Webelos parents.

  • Keep track of prospects and Scouts who drop out and encourage them to bring together / re-join.

  • Coordinates with Middle and Elementary Schools in a geographic expanse for Troop participation in Dorsum to School and New Pupil nights and orientations, specially Middle Schoolhouse activities (grades 6-8, our master recruiting target).

Troopwear & Uniform Banking concern Coordinator

Maintains uniform bank of selected compatible items. Duties:

  • Maintain spare compatible items every bit donated by Scouts in the Troop and others; provide periodic inventory updates.

  • Coordinate raw materials and maintain supplies of Troop 1396 specific items (neckerchief, hat, t-shirts).

  • Ensure that spare uniform items are displayed at courts of honor for use past any interested Scouts.

  • Promote donation of outgrown and unused uniforms to the uniform banking company.

Roundtable Representative

Troop's representative to the monthly District Roundtable meeting. Duties

  • Attends monthly District Roundtable coming together

  • Disseminates information obtained at the district roundtable to Scoutmaster, Committee Chairman, and/or Troop.

  • Solicits information from Scoutmaster and Commission Chairman for presentation at District Roundtable

Merit Badge Counselor Coordinator

Facilitates identifying and locating Merit badge counselors. Duties:

  • Recruits Merit Badge Counselors and maintain Troop 1396 Merit Bluecoat Advisor List.

  • Provides updates to District consolidated Merit Bluecoat Advisor List

  • Promote omnipresence at district Merit Badge Days.

  • Works with Troop Librarian and Advancement Coordinator to ensure Merit Badge pamphlets are bachelor.

Merit Badge Counselors are subject area matter experts for the Merit Badges they counsel either through vocation or hobby.

  • Take Merit Badge Counselor Training.

  • Submit Merit Badge Registration Paperwork to counsel office.

  • Inform Advancement Coordinator and Web Master of registration every bit a Merit Badge Counselor.

  • Conduct all Merit Bluecoat classes and counseling inside published BSA guidelines. This includes Youth Protection Grooming and the Guide to Safe Scouting.

  • Whenever a Merit Bluecoat Advisor is counseling their ain son for a merit badge, the Scoutmaster must corroborate such an arrangement and other Scouts must too be included in the merit badge sessions.

Courtroom of Honor and Family unit Activity Coordinator

Coordinator for all COH and family events involving Troop members. Duties:

  • Coordinates the Troop Courts of Honor (COH).

  • Works with the SM, SPL, and designated Scouts to put together the COH, including script and any activities or logistics, such as drinks and cookies, pot luck, etc.

  • Coordinates food requirements for Troop Courts of Honor.

  • Works with new Hawkeye Scouts and the Eagle Coordinator to combine Troop and Eagle COHs where possible.

  • If Eagle COH only, acts every bit an advisor to the new Eagle Scout and his family to facilitate a quality COH.

  • Plans for family night programs and family activities in conjunction with selected Troop activities.

POCs for Specific Activities - Scouting for Food, Christmas Tree Sales, Popcorn Sales

Discusses Christmas Tree and Popcorn and such activities in general. As we have stated on numerous occasions, nosotros understand the value of time to both our boys and their parents; thus we commonly do not accept to exercise fundraising projects. In general, nosotros would adopt that Scouting fourth dimension exist committed to Scouting activities instead of fundraising. However, we practice have Scouts who prefer to earn money for their Scouting activities. Therefore we fabricated the following decisions.o

  • Any events designated for participation past Troop 1396 volition be for the Troop in general, or for each Lookout man specifically.

  • Troop 1396 will take x% of all proceeds from any such activities to benefit the troop in full general. Then remaining proceeds will be accounted for in those individual and specific Scout accounts equally appropriate to the Scout'south participation (a bookkeeping entry within the Troop general treasury).

    • Attends "above troop" planning/related meetings to become Troop's SME on activeness & our Troop'due south requirements.

    • Adult POC completely coordinates the particular activity on behalf of the troop.

    • Follows up on action thru completion and reports results to the Troop and Committee.